The PEB Process
Although we are all hopeful for a resolution without
having to go through the entire Section 9a PEB process, the deadlines for how that process pursuant to the RLA would
unfold is as follows, although it is possible for the parties to alter the schedule by agreement.
Thurs. November 21, 2013
Creation of the First PEB – this
begins the first 120-day
cooling-off period
Sat. December 21, 2013
Deadline for the First PEB to issue its
report (the report
will issue on this date even though the deadline falls on a Saturday).
Mon. January 20, 2014
Deadline for the NMB to hold its public
hearing where the
parties must explain why the PEB report has not been accepted – because this
deadline falls on MLK Day, the hearing would presumably be held during the week
Fri. March 21, 2014
Initial 120-day cooling off period expires/deadline
creating the Second PEB.
Sun. April 20, 2014
Deadline for the parties to submit final
offers to the
Second PEB (this deadline falls on Easter Sunday so the parties might agree to
a different date).
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Deadline for the Second PEB to issue
its report/beginning of
final 60-day cooling-off period.
Saturday July 19, 2014
The final cooling-off period expires
at the end of the day.