Collecting Facts for
a Claim or Grievance
1. Who was involved?
(a) Name and position?
(b) Covered by agreement?
2. What happened to make it a claim
or grievance?
3. Where did it happen?
(a) Did it happen more
than once?
(b) If so. did it happen
in more than one period?
4. When did it happen?
(a) Day of the week?
(b) Date?
(c) Time of day?
(d) During or outside
the claimant(s) working hours?
5. Why did it happen? (Not why it
is a grievance.)
(a) Caution! Is this a
"fact" or "opinion", or a mixture of both"? (Separate
the two).
(b) If you cannot get
enough facts to prove your opinion as to why it
happened, then what are the facts that have led you to your opinion?
6. Witnesses?
(b) Did they observe the
actual occurrence, the effects, or both? If neither,
be prepared to explain.
7. Write it all down, at least the
A Claim or Grievance
1. Cause
(a) What?
(b) When?
(c) Where?
(d) Why?
(e) Who?
3. Remedy
(a) On whose behalf?
(1) Seniority?
(2) Compensation?
(3) Promotion?
(4) Transfer?
(5) Reduction or removal of discipline?
5. Justification |
2. Effect
(a) Loss of work?
(b) Deprived of seniority?
(c) Deprived of overtime?
(d) Denied promotion or transfer?
(e) Denied expense reimbursement?
(f) Improper compensation?
(g) Improper discipline?
4. Claimant(s)
(a) Name and identity
(b) Position
(1) Headquarters
(2) Assigned hours
(3) Assigned duties
(4) Rate of pay
(5) Territory or jurisdiction