Regarding the TWU Local 100 rally of 9/29/09
We had numbers, we had commitment, we even wore the "Red" Shirts.
We would like to thank all of our local 56 bretherin who were able to attend the TWU rally.
It is imperative that we stand up for what is right and oppose the constant attempts at the usurpation of the rights of labor.
How will we be able to bargain in good faith if the powers that be only follow the rules when it
suits them? A terrible precedent has been set which shows the contempt that the MTA has for
it's employees.
Today it's TWU Local 100, next it could be BRS Local 56.
In these trying times we need to stand up for what is right.
Did we have the numbers?..............Yes we did!
Did we have the commitment?.........Yes we did!
Did we support our brothers & sisters in transit?...Yes we did!
Were we heard?....Yes we were.