F.R.A. Interpretation of Supervision Entering
Exam Room of an Injured Employee
Federal Railroad Administration
49 CFR Part 225
Railroad Accidents/Incidents: Reports
Classification, and Investigations
AGENCY: Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Department of Transportation.
Notice of interpretation.
FRA is issuing this notice of interpretation to inform interested
parties of its application and enforcement of the harassment
intimidation provisions contained in 49 CFR part 225,
specifically relating to
situations in which a supervisor or other railroad official accompanies
an injured employee into an examination
room. This notice of interpretation informs the regulated community as to when such behavior constitutes harassment or intimidation calculated to discourage or prevent the reporting of an accident, incident, injury or illness. This document is not
intended to address or impact statutory
provisions related to providing ‘‘prompt medical attention,’’ as enforcement of those provisions fall within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Douglas H. Taylor, Staff Director, Operating Practices
Office of Safety
Assurance and Compliance, FRA,
1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE.,
Mail Stop 25, Washington,
DC 20590
(telephone 202–493–6255); or Zeb
Schorr, Trial Attorney, Office of Chief
Counsel, FRA, 1200
New Jersey Avenue
SE., RCC–11, Mail Stop 10, Washington,
DC 20590 (telephone 202–493–6072).
I. Background
Section 225.33(a) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations
each railroad to ‘‘adopt and comply with a
written Internal Control Plan’’
addressing the railroad’s policies and procedures
regarding accident/incident
reporting. This section further requires that such Internal
Control Plans include,
at a minimum, a ‘‘policy statement declaring
the railroad’s commitment
* * * to the principle, in absolute terms, that harassment
or intimidation
of any person that is calculated to discourage or prevent
such person from
receiving proper medical treatment or from reporting such
accident, incident,
injury or illness will not be permitted or tolerated *
* *.’’ The FRA Guide for
Preparing Accident/Incident Reports also notes that ‘‘many
railroad employees
fail to disclose their injuries to the railroad or fail
to accept reportable treatment
from a physician because they wish to avoid potential
harassment from
management or possible discipline that is sometimes associated
with the
reporting of such injuries.’’ FRA Guide, Ch.
1, p.8. The FRA Guide goes on to
state that supervisory personnel and mid-level managers
in some instances
“are urged to engage in practices which may undermine
or circumvent the reporting
of injuries and illnesses.’’ Id. FRA is aware
of incidents in which a supervisor or
other railroad official (hereinafter collectively referred
to as the ‘‘supervisor’’) has
accompanied an injured employee into an examination room,
or other room in
which the injured employee received medical treatment
(hereinafter collectively
referred to as the ‘‘examination room’’).
While FRA is concerned that injured
employees in such situations may not receive complete
or prompt medical
treatment, responsibility for ensuring that such treatment
is afforded has been
assigned by Congress to the Department of Labor. FRA is
concerned that when
accompanied by a supervisor an injured employee may be
discouraged or
otherwise prevented from reporting an accident, incident,
injury or illness.
Similarly, a supervisor may influence the type or extent
of medical treatment
afforded the employee in an effort to affect the reportability
of that injury.
Although concerns have been expressed as to the need for
a railroad to determine
the extent of an employee’s injuries, FRA does not
believe that such concerns
outweigh the potential pitfalls and problems associated
with the practice of
having supervisors accompany injured employees while they
receive care from
their physicians. Moreover, physicians are in the best
position to evaluate the
health of injured employees and the presence of a supervisor
during such
examinations would not, in most cases, add any value to
the treatment of an
employee and would, in general, be a distraction to both
the employee and the
physician. The purpose of this document is to articulate
a general principle regarding
what behavior constitutes harassment or intimidation in
violation of
§ 225.33(a)(1) in the particular context of supervisors
accompanying injured
employees in examination rooms. The interpretation contained
in this notice
reflects the longstanding position of FRA regarding this
practice. This
document is not intended to address or impact the meaning
or application of
the statutory provisions contained in 49 U.S.C. 20109
related to providing
‘‘prompt medical attention,’’
as enforcement and application of those
provisions fall within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Labor.
II. Interpretation
A. General Principle
Harassment and intimidation occur in violation of § 225.33(a)(1)
when a
railroad supervisor accompanies an injured employee into
an examination
room, unless one or more of the exceptions listed in section
II(B) of this
notice exists.
B. Exceptions
FRA recognizes that there are limited circumstances in
which it is
appropriate, and indeed preferable, for a supervisor to
accompany an injured
employee into an examination room. Thus, FRA believes
that limited
exceptions to the general principle articulated in section
II(A) of this notice
are necessary. Consequently, FRA recognizes the following
(1) The injured employee issues a voluntary invitation
to the supervisor to
accompany him or her in the examination room. The injured
must issue this invitation freely, without coercion, duress,
intimidation. For example, an injured employee may seek
the attendance of a
supervisor where the supervisor is a friend. This exception
does not encompass
invitations issued by third parties, including physicians,
unless the invitations
are made pursuant to the request of the injured employee.
(2) The injured
employee is unconscious or otherwise unable to effectively
material information to the physician and the supervisor’s
input is needed to
provide such material information to the physician. In
these circumstances, the
supervisor is assisting the injured employee in providing
information to
the physician so that the injured employee may receive
appropriate and
responsive medical treatment.
s on PROD1PC70 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 59 /
Monday, March 30, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Issued in Washington,
DC, on March 24,
Jo Strang,
Acting Deputy Administrator, Federal
Railroad Administration.
[FR Doc. E9–6953 Filed 3–27–09; 8:45